
New virus which is more deadly than Sars

Sars-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes, between November 2002 and July 2003, an outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong nearly became a pandemic, with 8,273 cases and 775 deaths worldwide (9.6% fatality) according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Within weeks, SARS spread from Hong Kong to infect individuals in 37 countries in early 2003. And is said  may still be present in its natural host reservoirs (animal populations) and may return to the human population.
Research on it has not  stopped,including Chinese Medicine.It is said that Chinese herbs can inhibit the proliferation and strengthen the human immune virus, and so on to play a very good antiviral activity.

However,a new virus that is potentially more deadly than Sars emerged,warn scientists after second Briton dies taking death toll to 11.The following  image shows a microscope image of coronavirus:

The mysterious coronavirus, which has emerged in the Middle East, attacks the respiratory system and was only identified six months ago. So far there have been 11 deaths - with the World Health Organisation this week saying a second British man has died.

Unlike Sars, the new virus affects many different organs in the body, killing cells extremely quickly. The source of coronavirus is not known, but experts believe it originated in bats. Animals which could host the virus include monkeys, pigs and even rabbits .


Big Improvement for Onling Shopping:Generating Recommendation Status of Electronic Products from Online Reviews

Shopping online has become very popular for its convenience , more options and cheaper than local store.But there are always something that make you uncomfortable. You don't know about the actual quality of the product is one of the problems.So you choose and choose, end up with still can't decide whether to buy it or not.You wasted  time and do nothing.Here is an article which takes electronic products as an example, proposing an improvement:

The need for effective and efficient mining of online reviews cannot be overemphasized. This position is as a result of the overwhelmingly large number of reviews available online which makes it cumbersome for customers to read through all of them. Hence, the need for online web review mining system which will help customers as well as manufacturers read through a large number of reviews and provide a quick description and summary of the performance of the product. This will assist the customer make better and quick decision, and also help manufacturers improve their products and services. This paper describes a research work that focuses on mining the opinions expressed on some electronic products, providing ranks or ratings for the features, with the aim of summarizing them and making recommendations to potential customers for better online shopping. A technique is also proposed for scoring segments with infrequent features. The evaluation results using laptops demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques.



So Daring :Squid “eats” Live Bomb

A Chinese fishmonger was going about his business when he randomly discovered a bomb... inside the stomach of a squid he was gutting. Apparently, a three-pound squid had swallowed an eight-inch bomb on accident. The bomb was live.

Fortunately, the fishmonger managed to escape unscathed. His knifework discovered the bomb which he speculates got in the squid's stomach because the squid had mistook it for "small fish and prawns". The fishmonger hilariously added:

"Perhaps he thought the bomb was his favourite food and gulped it down. He certainly had a big belly when he was caught."

What's fascinating is that no one knows where the eggplant shaped bomb originated from. Local authorities have assumed that it was an explosive dropped off by fighter jets but the bomb is undated. Even though its age was unknown and that it didn't look like a "bomb" (in the sense of what you imagine when you think bomb), it was still active and could have been detonated.


Jax Cancer Patients May Soon See Treatment Costs Reduced.Perspective of Sociology to Reduce The Treatment Cost

According to wokv “Thousands of Jacksonville’s cancer patients may soon get some financial relief for their treatments.”

It is undoubtedly a good news for Jax cancer patients.But is the fiscal subsidies the only way to easing the burden on treating an illness?No , Suman Hazarika( International Hospital, Guwahati, India) approach the question in the perspective of sociology.

He argues in the paper< Profit fromSickness: The Case of Technology-Driven Healthcare > that remedies to these crises demand radical a U-turn to the system itself wherein the health care seekers rather than the health care providers would occupy the center stage.He thinks in this way,it can reduce the treatment cost largely!


Divination: A Science or an Art?-A critique

Maduabuchi Dukor’s has employed some suppositions to demonstrate that African (Ifa) divination is or can be made a science through formalization and quantification.But O. A. Shitta-Bey(Lagos State University)  published a paper at Scientific Research Publishing points out that the the premises and the conclusion Maduabuchi Dukor use are full of contestations.

Whether divination is a science?Is the contestations stringency? Let’s see the contestations  O. A. Shitta-Bey’s show to us< A Critiqueof Maduabuchi Dukor’s “Divination: A Science or an Art?” >. Welcome to your comments!


All kinds of disputes on “Out of Africa” Theory

The Out of Africa hypothesis argues that every living human being is descended from a small group in Africa, who then dispersed into the wider world displacing earlier forms such as Neanderthal. The Out-of-Africa theory was bolstered in the early 1990s by research on mitochondrial DNA studies by Allan Wilson and Rebecca Cann which suggest that all humans ultimately descended from one female: the Mitochondrial Eve.
In 2007,there is a research claimes that ancient big drought in Africa supports Out of Africa hypothesis. However,there are more voice that against the hypothesis.For example”Out of Africa is a low-level of pseudoscience”” Out of Africa results from the ignorance”.Why there are so much disapproval?Maybe the following article can provide clues:
Our consideration of human haplogroups, and our analysis of the dynamics of the Y-chromosome nucleotide flow from primates to humans during the evolution of genus Homo has shown that a common ancestor of the majority of present day human males, both African and non-African, lived approximately 160,000 years ago. The haplogroup of this common ancestor has been identified as the α-haplogroup, which is equivalent or close to haplogroups A1/A1b in the current phylogeny. The archaic lineages (currently summarily designated A0) descend from an ancestor who lived no later than 180,000 years ago, and probably much earlier. The α-haplogroup and the A0 lineages have significantly different nucleotide patterns, and they certainly did not descend one from another. Furthermore, our research points up the areas of mutations in Y-chromosome in H. sapiens, which allows us to use chimpanzee MSY (the male-specific region of the Y-chromosome) as a proxy for genus Homo’s common α-haplogroup ancestor. When we studied slow mutating 16-marker haplotypes, we discovered that chimpanzees and present day humans had a common ancestor 5.5 ± 0.9 million years before the present. It is clear that, when they are compared to loci in other primates, such as gorillas, orangutans, and macaques, many human Y-chromosome loci have been conserved from our common ancestor. Results of our analysis of haplotypes, conserved (ancestral) nucleotides, and SNPs suggest that there is no reason to believe that ancestors of non-Africans (β-haplogroup, i.e. haplogroup BT and its downstream haplogroups) descended from haplogroups A0, A1a, or any other African haplogroup. The data are adequately described by a model which shows that the African lineages and non-African lineages diverged from the α-haplogroup approximately 160,000 years before the present and that the Y-chromosomes of the two groups have evolved independently (in terms of Y-chromosome) since then. We have no indication of where the common ancestor of the α-haplogroup lived; he could just as easily have lived in Europe, in Asia, or in the Middle East, as in (less likely) Africa. We believe that all the presuppositions posited in support of the Out-of-Africa hypothesis fail to hold up under simple scrutiny. This study shows that the Out-of-Africa hypothesis has not been adequately substantiated. The common assertion that “anatomically modern humans came out of Africa some 70,000 years ago” has never been convincingly calculated or determined otherwise; our research suggests that it is incorrect.



Indian Passes Stricter Law on Sexual Violence-The Causing of Violence

Indian parliament passes stricter law on sexual violence.In December 2012, India had occurred fatal gang rape of a young woman on a bus  which shocked the world. Later on,more dastardly gang rape occurs in this country.Even some female tourist in India from other country also became a victim.Finally,according to The Huffington Post,” Legislation makes crimes of stalking and sexual harassment and provides for the death penalty for fatal rape attacks”.

Sexual violence is one of the acts of violence.We may wonder what caused the violent?Family effects? Personal character?Or Aggressive Trait Responsible for Violence?Is violent movies a murderer? The last two factor,there is a controversy:

A research from SCIRP puts forward that “violent movie could effectively elicit implicit aggression for adolescents who were highly aggressive, but not for nonaggressive adolescents.”



The Effects Of Alcohol on the Neuronal Subserving of Behavior in the Hippocampus

Alcohol is bad for our health, this is an old ,old topic.But few people know how does it do harm to our health.
Its effects can be divided into acute and chronic. Acute poisoning often happens in the oral.There are 4 stages: excited, hypnosis, anesthesia, choking.When in the third and forth stage, sufferers may experience loss of consciousness, pupil dilation, irregular breathing, shock, heart failure and stop breathing cycles. Chronic effects often happens when one exposure to high concentrations of this product for a long time.It often causes membrane irritation of nose, eyes, mucous,even headache, dizziness, fatigue, eas ily excited, tremor, nausea, etc. Long-term alcohol abuse can cause multiple neuropathy, chronic gastritis, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, myocardium damage and organic psychosis and so on.

Besides the above effects, a research from Scientific Research Publishing found some other new effects of acute and chronic ethanol(the experiment is based on Hippocampus).The following is the general:

In the present study, we concentrate on the chronic effects of ethanol on the hippocampus. We demonstrate how the neuronal activity underlying food-acquisition behavior is modified after chronic ethanol treatment, and how the hippocampus subserves formation of newly-formed alcohol-acquisition behavior. Neuronal activity in CA1 was more sensitive to chronic ethanol than the Dg area. Acute administration of ethanol had a normalizing effect on the chronically-treated animals: their performance and the hippocampal neural activity approached a normal range. The sets of neurons involved in food-acquisition behavior formed before chronic ethanol treatment, and those involved in alcohol-acquisition behavior formed after treatment significantly overlapped supporting the view that the neuronal mechanisms of pre-existing behavior provide the basis for the formation of new behavior. Additionally, we also discovered alcohol-acquisition selective neurons. Assuming that the formation of new neuronal specializations underlies learning, we believe that alcohol-selective neurons are specialized during the formation of alcohol-acquisition behavior. Our data demonstrate several new findings on the effect of acute and chronic ethanol on hippocampus activity, and how the neuronal activity relates to behavior before and after ethanol treatment.


Have We Been Giving the Wrong Dietary Advice?

What is a healthy diet? This is a matter of concern to everyone.So we often read some health book.But a research from SCIRP raises doubt: Have we been giving the wrong dietary advice?The following is the background, methods, findings ,interpretation of the research:

Background: Since 1984 UK citizens have been advised to reduce total dietary fat intake to 30% of total energy and saturated fat intake to 10%. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence [NICE] suggests a further benefit for Coronary Heart Disease [CHD] prevention by reducing saturated fat [SFA] intake to 6% - 7% of total energy and that 30,000 lives could be saved by replacing SFAs with Polyunsaturated fats [PUFAs]. Methods: 20 volumes of the Seven Countries Study, the seminal work behind the 1984 nutritional guidelines, were assessed. The evidence upon which the NICE guidance was based was reviewed. Nutritional facts about fat and the UK intake of fat are presented and the impact of macronutrient confusion on public health dietary advice is discussed. Findings: The Seven Countries study classified processed foods, primarily carbohydrates, as saturated fats. The UK government and NICE do the same, listing biscuits, cakes, pastries and savoury snacks as saturated fats. Processed foods should be the target of public health advice but not natural fats, in which the UK diet is deficient. With reference to the macro and micro nutrient composition of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy foods the article demonstrates that dietary trials cannot change one type of fat for another in a controlled study. Interpretation: The evidence suggests that processed food is strongly associated with the increase in obesity, diabetes, CHD, and other modern illness in our society. The macro and micro nutrients found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, are vital for human health and consumption of these nutritious foods should be encouraged.
You can get more information through original essay<Food for Thought: Have We Been Giving the Wrong Dietary Advice?>.

Do you have any other opinions?


Research of pathology -A Probable Case of Secondary Infection

Palaeopathology research is of great difficulty for 2 reasons:1) Most of the ancient biological remains retaines only a skeleton part(Including the fossil),with only a small amount of the soft tissue left(such as ancient human mummies, frozen corpse, wet wax and peat tanning corpse,ect);2) Some pathological information can not be extracted for the preservation of the human skeleton various with different regions.Although with so many problems that hard to solve,scientists still devote themselves to the study.Because the study of the history of a disease, will contribute to the modern human for the prevention and treatment of the disease.A research from SCIRP presents a case study of differential diagnosis of pathological conditions which have been observed on the bones of the skeleton of a 30 - 34 years old female from Tell Masaikh (Syria).And use morphological, histological, radiological and molecular methods to assess the pathological lesions.In the end,the research illustrates the complications associated with differential diagnosis of pathological conditions from ancient bones.


Australian freshwater crocodile devours his smaller friend

The hungry croc was captured on camera chomping on one of its less fortunate cousins in a rare documented case of cannibalism. 

The moment was captured by David White, who runs Solar Whisper boat tours on the Daintree River in Queensland, Australia.

More animal research can be found at< OpenJournal of Animal Sciences>


To lose weight,the attitude is of important

How to lose weight is always a hot topic!There are all kinds of ways ,and medince of losing weight. Even a fantastic study states: clicking mouse can be helpful to weight lose,however overruled.The study on weight lose are in an endless stream.Because,not only femal need to lose weight,male also need nowadays.
research from SCIRP state that the attitudes towards losing weight make a difference:
To investigate motivators and strategies of adult weight loss or management, 1805 adults aged 18 - 65 were asked by computer assisted telephone interviews about their weight management behavior during the previous four weeks. High levels of importance to reduce risks associated with chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes were observed, although were indistinguishable between people attempting or not attempting to lose or maintain weight. Results showed that BMI was the strongest predictor of attempting to manage weight irrespective of age and, compared with males, females were more likely to attempt weight management at a lower BMI. Among the weight management group, the most popular weight management strategy was to choose healthier food options (77% and 70% for females and males respectively). With the weight management group also more likely to be monitoring the amount of food they consume, limiting portions sizes and tracking their physical activity participation compared with people not managing their weight. The current study showed that the likelihood of weight management within four weeks prior to the survey peaked for both sexes when BMI reached obese levels, (BMI = 30 - 39.9), suggesting that among people categorised as obese most were attempting to manage their weight. The results also suggest that at least some adults were not attempting to maintain their weight in the four weeks prior to the survey, irrespective of their BMI status. The implications of these findings suggest more effective approaches to weight loss and maintenance could focus on strategies that directly address the benefits and motivations of weight loss and weight maintenance, rather than focusing on conveying the risks of being overweight and the importance of avoiding chronic disease.


If you have the chance to transplant brain,you may be more like the organ donor

Are you ever curious about "Will brain transplants ever be possible? And, after the transplant, who would the person be – would they be the person whose brain was transplanted or the person whose body got the new brain?" On top of that, would continuous brain transplants be a good way to keep a mind alive forever? To the scientists.
Angelique Bordey, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine:
1. [Will there ever be brain transplants?] Not sure. Why not. Spooky though. You have to change not just the brain but also the spinal cord otherwise forget walking.

2. [Would the person's identity be maintained?] Psychological horrible as we grow our brain/mind to our body. So personality could change just due to the psychological shock.

3. [Could we stay alive forever this way?] No. our brain is aging as fast as the rest of our body. We will be able to replace organs heart lungs kidney…..with artificial ones but not the brain. We will all end up with cancer or Alzheimer or another neurodegeneration. Back to baby stage.

The bigger question: do we want to live forever? Why would we. Dying gives us a reason to live.

Khalid M. Abbed MD, Professor of Neurosurgery, Yale:

Human brain transplants are very far away but may someday be possible. A key step in making brain transplants possible is the ability to connect nerve fibers from the transplanted brain to the native spinal cord. This is very difficult and is one of the main reasons why severe spinal cord injuries are so devastating and usually permanent.

If brain transplants were possible, the identity of the person would undoubtedly change and be more like the identity of the donor of the transplanted brain. This is because, unlike a transplanted heart, the brain is where identity and personality are stored.

Konstantin Slavin MD, Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Illinois at Chicago:

Yes, I do believe the day will come when there will be a "whole body transplant" – so the brain of a person will be given a new body (and not the other way around). If this happens, the identity and personality of the original brain owner will be allowed to continue within new physical body, natural or artificial. This will not keep the person alive indefinitely as the brains age and degenerate over time – and I would not be very optimistic about our ability to stop aging completely.

[Dr. Slavin also referred us to the science fiction novel "Professor Dowell's Head," by Russian science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev. Someone please leave a book report in the discussion section.]

THE VERDICT: Yes! Neurosurgeons are optimistic about the theoretical possibility of a human brain transplant, although it does not seem to be coming in the near term. If you had your brain transplanted into another person's body, you would maintain your own identity, although you might be somewhat traumatized and fucked up by the experience. And no, transplants will not allow you to live forever—and really, would you want to?? (A: No, only until they invent robot sex.)

More advance in organ transplant surgery,you can pay close attention to < Open Journal of Organ Transplant Surgery >.


Some new aspects of etiology of Alzheimer’s disease , disrupted sleep may be one of the first signs of Alzheimer's disease

According to mailonline, disrupted sleep can be an earlier sign  of Alzheimer’s disease than memory loss. Disrupted sleep may be less sleep, but napped more often.Moreover,this disease has been younger tendency.Except disrupted sleep and memory loss,does this disease has any other prognostic? How to detect it and and prevent as soon as possible? A research  focuses on the possibility of early detection of AD-specific vascular and atrophic brain changes in families which have a tendency to inherit the disease.The following is the general content:
The research included three families with AD inheritance. All patients underwent: cognitive function assessment (MMSE), determination of dementia severity (CDR) and AD stages (TDR), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scintigraphy of the brain (SG), rheoencephalography (REG), and cerebral multigated angiography (MUGA). All patients with different AD stages, as well as their descendants, have specific atrophic changes in the temporal lobes of the brain. The degree of these changes increases as AD becomes more severe and ranges from 4% - 8% (TDR-0) to 33% - 62% (TDR-3) of the total mass of a healthy person’s temporal lobes. Simultaneously, the patients examined have changes of microcirculation manifested by reduction of the capillary bed in the temporal and frontalparietal regions, the development of multiple arteriovenous shunts in the same areas, early venous dumping, anomalous expansion of venous trunks that receive blood from the arterialvenous shunts, venous stasis on the frontoparietal boundary. Similar changes are found among AD patients’ descendants aged 8 - 11, the only difference being in the degree of temporal lobes atrophy which is 4.7%. This proves that microcirculatory disorders are primary and atrophic changes of the temporal lobes are secondary in AD development. The data obtained indicate that the examination of AD patients’ relatives should begin well before the possible manifestations of the disease, even in childhood. It will allow to reveal the possibility of inheritance and the signs of the disease at the earliest possible stage and to begin its treatment in time.
I hope this research can be helpful to  the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

(source:Scientific Research Publishing/Advances in Alzheimer's Disease)


Sperm also has its season

A new research reveal that : human sperm are generally at their healthiest in winter and early spring.
Based on samples from more than 6,000 men treated for infertility, researchers writing in American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found sperm in greater numbers, with faster swimming speeds and fewer abnormalities in semen made during the winter, with a steady decline in quality from spring onward.
The scientists said :” If there is a seasonal pattern, that knowledge may ‘be of paramount importance, especially in couples with male-related infertility struggling with unsuccessful and prolonged fertility treatments’””.
The World Health Organization defines anything over 16 million sperm per milliliter of semen as a normal sperm count.According to this criterion, Eliahu Levitas found that men produced about 70 million sperm per milliliter of semen during the winter. About 5 percent of those sperm had "fast" motility, or swimming speed, which improves a couple's chance of getting pregnant. That compared to the approximately 68 million sperm per milliliter the men produced in the spring, of which only about 3 percent were "fast."
In animal studies, seasonal changes in sperm production and fertility have been demonstrated,it is rare to  link to human.

More article about anthropology please click < Advances in Anthropology >. 


A research about making old brains young again

A report from gizmag RESEARCH WATCH states that we can make old brains young again with the help of switch molecular.
It’s no secret that juvenile brains are more malleable and able to learn new things faster than adult ones – just ask any adult who has tried to learn a new language. That malleability also enables younger brains to recover more quickly from trauma. Researchers at Yale University have now found a way to effectively turn back the clock and make an old brain young again.
As we enter adulthood, our brains become more stable and rigid when compared to that of an adolescent. This is partially due to the triggering of a single gene that slows the rapid change in synaptic connections between neurons, thereby suppressing the high levels of plasticity of an adolescent brain. By monitoring the synapses of living mice for a period of months, the Yale researchers were able to identify the Nogo Receptor 1 gene as the key genetic switch responsible for brain maturation.
They found that mice without this gene retained juvenile levels of brain plasticity throughout adulthood and by blocking the function of this gene in old mice, the researchers were able to reset the old brain to adolescent levels of plasticity. This allowed adult mice lacking the Nogo Receptor to recover from brain injury as quickly as adolescent mice, and also saw them master new, complex motor tasks faster than adult mice with the receptor.
This raises the potential that manipulating Nogo Receptor in humans might accelerate and magnify rehabilitation after brain injuries like strokes,” said Feras Akbik, Yale doctoral student.
The researchers also showed that the Nogo Receptor slows the loss of memory, so that mice without the Nogo Receptor lost stressful memories more quickly than those with the receptor. The researchers say this suggests that manipulating the receptor could help treat those suffering post-traumatic stress disorder.
We know a lot about the early development of the brain. But we know amazingly little about what happens in the brain during late adolescence, said Dr. Stephen Strittmatter, Vincent Coates Professor of Neurology, Professor of Neurobiology and senior author of the paper which appears in the journal Neuron.


This Is What Facebook Looks Like Now and the Use of Privacy Settings

At an event this morning, Facebook took the wraps off the service's latest design. The idea is, as Facebook says, to "pull back the chrome," simplifying the way the site works and looks. That means cutting down on all the boxes and lines and shading and sidebars and lord knows what else litters your homescreen right now. It's more like a mobile app than ever before; just the stream of news.
And it actually is similar to a news site in a few ways; it now has different sections, so you can check out what your friends have been doing in specific categories like music, photos, and games. They're all kind of individual feeds, which is clever; services like Instagram (which Facebook owns), plus Vine and Twitter, are much more concise, and this is a way for Facebook to not be quite so bulky.
 And it looks great! Facebook has not always been the nicest-looking service, but the cleaner design, paired with larger images and videos, make it perhaps the most aesthetically appealing version of Facebook yet. Of course, big photos also mean big ads, which could be irritating.
Facebook's new design will begin rolling out today, though not all at once.
That is a report from popsci.To facebook there is an another interesting research from SCIRP about Privacy Settings.The following is the general:
The present study examined disclosure and use of privacy settings in online social networking profiles as a function of the media context (i.e., online versus hard copy (paper and pencil) FacebookTM profiles). Gender was also examined. Overall, participants disclosed more information when constructing a profile for another person when using a hard copy paper and pencil format than an online context. Gender differences were not uniform across media contexts, however, in contrast to traditional disclosure theory, females censored their disclosures more so than males but only for some topics. Only 20% of the sample increased their use of privacy settings. Consistent with patterns of disclosure, descriptive comparison suggests that more settings were employed in the paper and pencil than online context and more privacy settings were employed by females.
Do you often use Privacy Settings in FacebookTM?


Food and Nutrition Sciences- Identify Milk Adulteration Using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Calcium and other vitamins and minerals in milk make it an important part of a healthful diet for people of all ages. The benefits of drinking milk include strengthening bones, improved cardiovascular and oral healthand even relief from PMS.But with the appearance of adulterated milk, it become a threat of our health,especially for infants. How to  Identify adulterated milk is a topic many people are deeply concerned with.The following is a research from scientificresearch publishing about the identification of Calcium and Sodium Behavior to Identify Milk Adulteration:
A fast and direct method for determination of milk adulteration by monitoring of calcium and sodium concentrations variations was described. Milk samples were furnished by a dairy company located at São Carlos (São Paulo State, Brazil) and and spiked with tap-water, whey, hydrogen peroxide, synthetic urine, urea and synthetic milk in the ranged from 5% to 50% (v/v), expect for caustic soda. Caustic soda was added in the milk until establish the original pH. The milk samples were analyzed by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and no acid digestion process was required. Results showed a significant decrease in the Na and Ca concentrations with addition of synthetic milk and tap-water, a nonlinear variation with addition of synthetic urine, whey and hydrogen peroxide and a largest increase in the Na concentration with addition of NaOH. Correlation between Na and Ca concentrations in pure and adulterated milk were evaluated by paired t-test at a 95% confidence level. Results showed that the method proposed is efficient to identify samples adulterated with tap-water, caustic soda, synthetics milk and urine.
This research applies Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry,maybe it is more useful for research worker.


Food and Nutrition Sciences- Green tea is good for losing weight and skin care,and you should pay attention to tea skill

Green tea is a popular health care products.Especially for female,they often drink geen tea to protects skin and lose weight for it contains Tea polyphenols .But it must be pay attention to that when woman is in the period of menses, geen tea is dangerous!
Otherwise, green tea is suggested to be an antifolate. But a research< Green Tea Is a Poor Contributor to Tissue Folatein a Folate Depletion > from scientific research publishing use Repletion Rat Model demonstrates that “green tea is a poor source of food folate, but EGCg in green tea at a low dose has little effect on folic acid absorption.”


A Research About Relationship of Servant Leadership and Employee Loyalty

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and also a set of leadership practices. These leaders sets themselves up as an example, lead by serve; The result is also in order to extend its service function. Servant leadership Emphasizes service first.
There is a growing concern about the relationship of servant leadership and employee loyalty recent years, but few are focusing on the intervening mechanisms between them. Especially in China, research on such mediating variables is nearly blank. A research from scientific research publishing , discusses this problem.The following is the part:
 We make our attempt on detecting the role in such relationship by empirical studies through 186 samples using the structural equation model (SEM) method, and reach two conclusions: servant leadership is significantly positive correlated with employee loyalty; employee satisfaction is found to play mediating role which occupies 77% of the total effect between servant leadership and employee loyalty. Our result shows that, to improve employee loyalty, the managers should not only develop their servant leadership style, but also take into consideration the individual needs to improve psychological satisfaction.


Physics & Mathematics- Bacterial Cells as Model Factories

Connecting bacterial with businesses is a new idea.Ichiro Matsumura Emory University proposes businesses research and biological systems research may learn from each other.The following is the abstract of his research:
Bacteria, like industrial engineers, must manage processes that convert low value inputs into high value outputs. Bacteria are not intelligent, so they utilize self-organizing production systems to accelerate life-sustaining chemical processes. Here I explore two questions. First, can businesses apply the principles of self-organization? Second, can operations researchers contribute to our understanding of biological systems? I explain biochemical concepts in plain terms, illustrated with a few informative laboratory evolution experiments, and describe the organizing principles that underlie complex biological systems. I describe the new disciplines of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering, which offer opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration between life scientists and operations researchers.