
Indian Passes Stricter Law on Sexual Violence-The Causing of Violence

Indian parliament passes stricter law on sexual violence.In December 2012, India had occurred fatal gang rape of a young woman on a bus  which shocked the world. Later on,more dastardly gang rape occurs in this country.Even some female tourist in India from other country also became a victim.Finally,according to The Huffington Post,” Legislation makes crimes of stalking and sexual harassment and provides for the death penalty for fatal rape attacks”.

Sexual violence is one of the acts of violence.We may wonder what caused the violent?Family effects? Personal character?Or Aggressive Trait Responsible for Violence?Is violent movies a murderer? The last two factor,there is a controversy:

A research from SCIRP puts forward that “violent movie could effectively elicit implicit aggression for adolescents who were highly aggressive, but not for nonaggressive adolescents.”


