
Sperm also has its season

A new research reveal that : human sperm are generally at their healthiest in winter and early spring.
Based on samples from more than 6,000 men treated for infertility, researchers writing in American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found sperm in greater numbers, with faster swimming speeds and fewer abnormalities in semen made during the winter, with a steady decline in quality from spring onward.
The scientists said :” If there is a seasonal pattern, that knowledge may ‘be of paramount importance, especially in couples with male-related infertility struggling with unsuccessful and prolonged fertility treatments’””.
The World Health Organization defines anything over 16 million sperm per milliliter of semen as a normal sperm count.According to this criterion, Eliahu Levitas found that men produced about 70 million sperm per milliliter of semen during the winter. About 5 percent of those sperm had "fast" motility, or swimming speed, which improves a couple's chance of getting pregnant. That compared to the approximately 68 million sperm per milliliter the men produced in the spring, of which only about 3 percent were "fast."
In animal studies, seasonal changes in sperm production and fertility have been demonstrated,it is rare to  link to human.

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